Martial Arts >> Michigan Martial Art Schools >> Milford After School Martial Arts

Milford After School Martial Art Programs

Below are after school martial arts available in Milford.

Milford Ds Kim's Bla - 125 S Main St, #500, Milford MI - (248) 529-3506
Details: D.S. Kim's Black Belt School is dedicated to the highest quality of martial arts training. We are committed to continually enhancing our program to address exercise, drills, safety tips and a realistic approach to self-defense situations. ... more

Reality Defense Systems - 1270 W Commerce Rd, Milford MI - (248) 431-6667
Details: Ashihara Karate Club homepage! We are a traditional mixed martial arts club or 'all around' karate system that teaches the Jissen, or real fighting karate of Japan. Ashihara karate is based on the Kyokushin karate style of Japan. We diff... more

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