Connecticut Martial Arts >> Seymour After School Martial Arts >> American Hapkido

American Hapkido, Seymour CT

Program Name: American Hapkido
Program Address: 90 Main St, Seymour CT
Contact Phone: (203) 888-1957
Detail: “What advice would you give to anyone thinking about trying a martial art and trying to choose a martial arts school?” I strongly encourage anyone to train in any martial arts. It has brought so much to my life. First, do some research on what type of martial art you might like to do. There are many. There are hard style arts like Tae Kwon Do and Tang Soo Do and there are soft arts like Aikido, Kung Fu and Tai Chi. Then there are mixed martial arts like Hapkido which implement both the hard arts and the water flow principle of the soft arts. Define what your ideal school will provide you. If you are unsure, the next step would be to go to a variety of schools and watch a class. In our school, we encourage prospective students to try 1 or 2 complimentary classes before becoming a student. Check out the instructors. How are their teaching styles? How do they interact? Are they concerned with getting their point across or are they just putting in their time? Is it a good match for your personality? Would you be more comfortable with a male or female teacher? We are fortunate at our school that we have a well rounded black belt instructor staff both male and female. I find teaching extremely rewarding. I am usually always on the floor or just a few steps away. Once you narrow it down to a few schools, you are going to want to ask some questions. Does the school require a contract and what are the anticipated fees? By this I mean, if you are required to pay for 6 months in order to sign up-are you required to pay the duration even if you don’t end up training. Sometimes with even our best intentions, “Life Happens” and we are unable to train. I am well aware that often times things happen in our lives and we need flexibility. Our school does not require a contract — it can be month-to-month or you can pay in advance a few months and get a discount. But if for some reason, you are unable to train for a full month of that advance payment, we work it out with you. It is all detailed in our “Student Manual”. Tuition, gear, and testing fees are standard across the industry, but be on the look out for hidden fees. I just heard of a school charging for extra individualized attention to make sure their child was ready for a test. We take great pride in making sure our students are ready for their tests and we make sure they get the training and instruction they need without adders. Next, ask the training times and attendance requirements. I would find out if for some reason, you need to take a break in training, a week, a month, a year, five years, do you retain the rank you achieved. If you achieve a Green Belt and you return in whatever amount of time, are you still a green belt? You may be surprised to find that the school would make you start back at white belt. We believe if you earned that rank in our organization, you remain that rank, and when you decide to come back, you pick up where you left off. Should you move out of our area and train at another school in our organization, that rank remains with you. It may sound like putting the cart before the horse, but ask where black belt tests are held. Should you start training and work your way to be a Black Belt candidate-will that test be held locally? Some organizations make you travel to test, sometimes across the country. Our organization is fortunate since we have a Grandmaster on either coast. Grandmaster Wheaton, Founder and Grandmaster of our organization, travels to us for all Black Belt tests barring any extenuating circumstances. In the event he cannot make the Black Belt test, I am recognized by our Grandmaster to proctor a Black Belt test. We believe strongly in having the tests locally because our school is like a family. We want your family to be able to share with our family in your huge accomplishment. Then once choose your style and school — have fun!!! -Grandmaster Ehrentraut
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