Florida After School Programs >> Pembroke Pines After School Care >> Pembroke Pines Elementary After School Care From Sunshine

Pembroke Pines Elementary After School Care from Sunshine, Pembroke Pines FL

Program Name: Pembroke Pines Elementary After School Care from Sunshine
Program Address: 6700 SW 9th St., Pembroke Pines FL 33023
Contact Phone: (954) 236-8850
Website: http://www.sunshinefl.com/
Detail: We currently provide nearly 5,000 students, in over THIRTY-FIVE Broward County elementary and middle schools, with before and/or after school programs this year. All of our programs operate under the policies and directives of the five year RFP contract retained with the Broward County School Board. Additionally, all programs meet and/or exceed the licensing requirements of the Division of Children and Family Services (HRS). After School Programs fees are based on a monthly payment schedule plus a registration fee. Sunshine also has many programs that are grant funded. These rates are based on the family’s income. Their purpose is to make aftercare accessible to families that may otherwise have a hard time affording it. Sunshine After School Programs include an individually wrapped snack and juice drink for each student. We follow a daily planned schedule of developmentally appropriate activities. These include student academic support for homework, reading enrichment, arts and crafts, music, dance, organized sports, outside play, and indoor games. Certified teachers are hired to work with students in our after school programs to facilitate many of these specialized student activities.
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