District of Columbia After School Programs >> Washington After School Care >> Chevy Chase Presbyterian Church After School Program


Program Address: One Chevy Chase Circle NW, Washington DC 20015
Contact Phone: (202) 966-8385
Website: http://chevychasepc.org/
Detail: The After School Program (ASP) is part of the Chevy Chase Presbyterian Church’s ministry to children and families in the community. Since 1987, the ASP has been dedicated to providing a safe, caring, and creative program to enrich the lives of 60 children in kindergarten through fifth grade during their after-school hours. The program provides children with the opportunity to interact with adults and other children in a comfortable and loving atmosphere. Children of all races, religions, and ethnic backgrounds are encouraged to apply for enrollment. We take pride in the diverse group of students currently enrolled. Although the majority of the children attend the two neighborhood D.C. public schools, Lafayette Elementary and Murch Elementary, children from other public and private schools are welcome and, in fact, are already enrolled. The ASP staff members meet the students at Lafayette and walk them to CCPC. The church van is used by other ASP staff members to pick up the students at Murch and transport them to CCPC. The children who attend other schools arrive by transportation arranged by their parents. The After School Program is located on the third floor of the education building. Once the children arrive from their respective schools, they are divided by grades into three groups in three large classrooms, with a teacher and an assistant in each room, and are provided with an afternoon snack. Afterwards, they are able to choose between opportunities to play in the large enclosed play yard adjacent to the education wing or to express their creativity with Lego structures, block towers or towns, crafts from recyclables, or other artwork. Occasionally, the groups take field trips to nearby playgrounds. Homework time is set aside and monitored by the teachers and assistants in the classrooms so that help is available when needed. The hours of operation are 3 to 6:30 p.m., Monday through Friday. Occasionally, because of severe weather or teachers’ meetings, the ASP opens at 8:00 a.m. and closes at 6:30 p.m. Also, when schools have to close at noon because of severe weather or meetings, the ASP staff will pick up the children at the two neighborhood schools and bring them back to CCPC until their parents come from work. The program is closed for federal holidays and when DC public schools are closed for snow days. The students in the After School Program perform community service projects during the year by making holiday cards for the residents of Ingleside, cleaning nearby streams of trash, or making Christmas stockings for the patients at Children’s Hospital. Many sign up to be pen pals with children in after school programs in other parts of the United States.
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