New Mexico After School Programs >> Santa Fe After School Care >> Santa Fe Boys & Girls Club

Santa Fe Boys & Girls Club, Santa Fe NM

Program Name: Santa Fe Boys & Girls Club
Program Address: 730 Alto Street, Santa Fe NM 87501
Contact Phone: (505) 983-6632
Detail: In 1939, a small group of Santa Feans had a vision of helping young boys in their community. From that seed, the Santa Fe Boys & Girls Clubs were born over a pool hall on the Plaza. In 1942, the Club was chartered and moved to their own building on Also Street, where the main Club remains today. We are the oldest provider of youth services in Santa Fe and the only organization providing these services in the neighborhoods where our members reside. Over the years, the Club has grown not just in the numbers of young people who are members but in its scope and vision. The Club has moved from an after school recreation and sports center for boys to an organization that looks after the physical, educational, and spiritual needs of the young people who are members. In 1990, the Santa Fe Club officially opened its doors to girls and young women, though many female Santa Feans have memories of "sneaking" into the Club.
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