Louisiana After School Programs >> Shreveport After School Care >> Young Years School-age

Young Years School-Age, Shreveport LA

Program Name: Young Years School-Age
Program Address: 216 Sand Beach Blvd., Shreveport LA 71105
Contact Phone: (318) 797-4462
Website: http://youngyearscec.com/
Detail: Kindergarten (K4/K5) - Young Years offers an afterschool program that is age-appropriate for this group of children. The activities offered them are geared toward the "little child" that is still in them, such as the housekeeping center, the car center, the puzzle center, the reading center, the art center, computers, Wii consoles and more. First Grade and Older - We offer an extensive school-age program for before and after school with planned activities to keep them busy with age appropriate groupings of ages 5 to 7 (School-Age 1) and 8 to 12 year olds (School-Age 2). Young Years offers a variety of activities each afternoon, such as arts & crafts, computers for play and reference, Playstations, other video-type games, indoor basketball, indoor volleyball, indoor/ outdoor hockey, Wii & Xbox consoles and games, Dance, Dance Revolution dance pads, Foosball tables, a grass field for outdoor sports, and much more. Young Years also offers a Homework Assistance Program. The "Homework Room" is in an area that is quiet and away from the general distractions of the main school age activities. There is no charge for this program.
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