Louisiana After School Programs >> Shreveport After School Care >> Acrosports After School Program

AcroSports After School Program, Shreveport LA

Program Name: AcroSports After School Program
Program Address: 735 American Way, Shreveport LA 71106
Contact Phone: (318) 868-3547
Website: http://www.acrosports-la.com/
Detail: We are dedicated to offering one of the best After School Programs in the Shreveport area. Our program will provide your child with much more than just a place to “hang out” each day after school. Each day, we will have organized and supervised activities for your child, with time set aside for homework, snacks and sports related activities. We believe that children need physical fitness in their life. We also feel that a strong body helps build a child’s self-esteem, motivates them to be successful and helps them become a well rounded individual. Weekly activities that will be offered include: Homework Assistance, Group Games & Activities,Trampoline & Tumble Tramp. Also, as a member of our After School Program, your child is entitled to take advantage of a discounted rate (20% discount each month) for Recreational Gymnastics and Cheer Tumbling.
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