Georgia After School Programs >> Fayetteville After School Care >> Fayette County Schools After School Program @ peeples Es

Fayette County Schools After School Program @ Peeples ES, Fayetteville GA

Program Name: Fayette County Schools After School Program @ Peeples ES
Program Address: 153 Panther Path , Fayetteville GA 30215
Contact Phone: (770) 486-2737
Detail: The Fayette County After School Program’s purpose is to improve children’s quality of life through extending and enriching out-of-school-time learning activities. The Fayette County After School Program’s philosophy contends that activities of children during out-of-school-time can be as important to their growth and development as the time they spend in the classroom. During these non-school hours, children have opportunities to choose a variety of enriching activities. Their choices allow them to explore new fields of interest and engage in hands-on activities within a supervised neighborhood setting. This environment fosters opportunities for children to interact with both siblings and friends. The activities are designed to support and expand the physical, social, emotional and cognitive skill development experienced in school.
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