New Hampshire Martial Arts >> Rollinsford After School Martial Arts >> New England Kenshin Kan Karate

New England Kenshin Kan Karate, Rollinsford NH

Program Name: New England Kenshin Kan Karate
Program Address: 1 Front St, Rollinsford NH
Contact Phone: (603) 742-3262
Detail: The New England Kenshin Kan Karate Dojo has joined Facebook, in hopes to connect with karate students around the world. This seems like a great venue to stay in touch with other members of the federation, connect with people from other styles, and have the opportunity to meet people who are just looking to begin in their studies of martial arts. Under the direction of Shihan Greg Lazarus, the NE Kenshin Kan Karate Dojo (school) was opened in Dover, New Hampshire in 1980, providing training for both adults and children. In July 2008, we moved to our current location in the Salmon Falls Mills in Rollinsford, New Hampshire. Shihan teaches that karate is something that is trained with your heart. From that approach to karate, the group of students at the NE Kenshin Kan Karate Dojo feel like a family that work to support each other through their training. Please visit our website, or send a message on facebook for more information about this style of karate or our dojo. You are also welcome to stop by the dojo at anytime during class hours, no need to call ahead. NE Kenshin Kan Karate Dojo
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