Colorado Martial Arts >> Longmont After School Martial Arts >> Shudokan Karate

Shudokan Karate, Longmont CO

Program Name: Shudokan Karate
Program Address: 325 Main Street, Longmont CO
Contact Phone: (303) 651-7156
Detail: Wado-Kai (way of peace) is the most popular form of Karate in Japan. The style is a blend of traditional Karate forms of quick, powerful linear techniques and Jujitsu, a style that emphasizes an efficient circular motion. The style also emphasizes naturalness in body stance and motion, and cultivates a mental attitude to overcome one's perceived physical limitations. Instruction is interactive and personal, and assumes that mastery can be achieved equally by men and women independent of body type and strength. "Shudokan" literally means "the house where you master the way." There are only twenty schools in the world which carry the Shudokan designation. Established in 1988, Wado-Kai Shudokan Karate has been serving the adults, youth and children of the Longmont area with quality karate and self-defense instruction.
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