Arizona Martial Arts >> Mesa After School Martial Arts >> Smith's Cma- Kung Fu And Tai Chi In Mesa, Arizona

Smith's CMA- Kung Fu and Tai Chi in Mesa, Arizona, Mesa AZ

Program Name: Smith's CMA- Kung Fu and Tai Chi in Mesa, Arizona
Program Address: 1833 W Main St, Ste 102, Mesa AZ
Contact Phone: (480) 209-9861
Detail: Smith’s Chinese Martial Arts is a privately owned Chinese martial arts school and Chinese Medicine center, located in Mesa, Arizona. We pride ourselves in offering world-class instruction and medical treatments at affordable prices. The mission of Smith’s CMA is to be in the business of changing lives and ensure that the traditional Chinese martial and medical arts live on. We specialize in Northern Eagle Claw Kung Fu and Yang Style Tai Chi Chuan. Besides traditional Kung Fu and Tai Chi, we offer fighting training, self-defense, women’s self-defense, qiqong (internal health techniques), stretching and flexibility training, traditional chinese weaponry, and a host of other beneficial programs. We believe in changing lives. Many institutions are revenue based; they simply believe in an exchange of currency for service. We believe in valuing the individual above their purchasing power. In the same way, Smith’s Chinese Martial Arts does not believe in “2 Year Black Belt” plans or extraneous testing or sign up fees. Our school’s goal is to provide an environment where students are more concerned about what they are learning, how they are growing, and what they can do for others rather than a belt color or a status symbol. Everyone does not learn or function the same way. Therefore, students are taught according to their aptitude, work ethic, goals, and comfort level. I constantly assess every student and provide material and lessons accordingly.
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