California Martial Arts >> Vallejo After School Martial Arts >> Ray Delgado Karate Kung-fu

Ray Delgado Karate Kung-Fu, Vallejo CA

Program Name: Ray Delgado Karate Kung-Fu
Program Address: 2255 Tennessee St, #1, Vallejo CA
Contact Phone: (707) 643-7778
Detail: ere at Ray Delgado's Karate we are focused to serve our students with the highest quality martial arts instruction, professionalism and service. To achieve our goal we have implemented martial arts programs that cater to the individual interests of our community. Our students range from all ages with interest varying from stress relieving, health promoting exercises to intense, traditional training that the Martial Arts are so famous for. All aspects of our school are arranged to build a balanced relationship of trust and respect with our students. We offer discipline and character building in a friendly and relaxed atmosphere that anyone can feel comfortable in. Our classes are taught by certified black belt instructors, who care about their students and conduct themselves accordingly. They help students to learn and to improve themselves through positive support and encouragement, not through intimidation! We have three main goals for our students: LEARN PRACTICAL SELF DEFENSE: Ray Delgado's Karate has a system of natural, easy to learn movements, which are designed to allow individuals aged young and old, male or female, to defend themselves against aggressive and often larger opponents. PROMOTE BETTER HEALTH: In order to eliminate wasted motion and promote increased speed and power, students are taught to become more relaxed and fluid. The way we train also has an aerobic effect. This improves the cardiovascular system (hearts and lungs) and accelerates the body’s metabolism, causing you to burn more calories and to lose weight. Regular training also results in increased balance, flexibility, strength, muscle tone, speed, coordination, and improved reflexes and timing! Once in better health, you will not only look better and feel better, you will also have a lot more energy to do the things you enjoy. DEVELOP A STRONG MIND: In this aspect, our curriculum surpasses all other exercise and sports activities. Our program is taught according to individual needs and levels of skills. Through our instructors' guidance and encouragement, students begin to establish and achieve their personal goals. Students learn that, by setting realistic goals and applying dedication and hard work, anything is possible. They develop a higher level of confidence and are introduced to the the virtues of Respect, Concentration, Discipline, and Motivation.
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