California Martial Arts >> Napa After School Martial Arts >> Aikido Of Napa

Aikido of Napa, Napa CA

Program Name: Aikido of Napa
Program Address: 2516 Laurel St, Napa CA
Contact Phone: (707) 257-6639
Detail: Aikido of Napa has a friendly, relaxed atmosphere but is a serious place to study with mindfulness of the tradition and purpose of Aikido as a martial art. Each student is encouraged to challenge themselves to their highest degree. There is no competition among members and each student and their individual limitations are respected. Students respect each other and are very careful not to harm one another during practice. Every class has a mixture of advanced students and beginners. There is no segregation of rank during practice. All ranks train together freely. Higher ranked students are encouraged to help beginners and choose them for partners regularly. The instructor gives individual attention throughout the class. There is an emphasis on blending with one's partner and controlling their energy from the beginning of the technique without using sheer physical force. Basic principles such as proper posture, breathing, keeping knees bent, arms connected with the center, turning the hips and extension are all reinforced during practice. Students are encouraged to practice in the dojo before and after class and many senior students are available to help students who wish to have some extra training. The dojo has approximately 35 regular students including 15 who hold various degrees of black belt.
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