California Martial Arts >> Richmond After School Martial Arts >> Cal-west Karate Schools

Cal-West Karate Schools, Richmond CA

Program Name: Cal-West Karate Schools
Program Address: 12250 San Pablo Ave, Richmond CA
Contact Phone: (510) 231-0255
Detail: Since 1982, CAL-WEST KARATE SCHOOL has been a leader in Martial Arts training in the Bay Area. In that time we have taught thousands of students, of all ages, the Art of Self-Defense. Our spacious 2,800 square foot facility is uniquely designed with padded mats, private lesson rooms, and special workout areas. Our highly trained professional staff can help each student achieve their maximum proficiency at all levels. We strive to teach all students to compete against themselves and to be the best they can be. Self-esteem, self-confidence, self-discipline, and respect for others are the keys to our program and to success in school, work, sports, and family life. Our "Personal Trainer Program" provides one-on -one attention, ensuring proper guidance and instruction to each student. Positive, patient, and effective teaching techniques will enable them to learn more and learn faster. Special attention is given to children to make learning easier, fun, and rewarding. With all the violence and chaos in the world today, it is our desire to help all our students to walk the streets safely, overcome their obstacles, obtain their goals, and lead a rich and fulfilling life.
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