California Martial Arts >> Oakland After School Martial Arts >> Frohm's Martial Arts

Frohm's Martial Arts, Oakland CA

Program Name: Frohm's Martial Arts
Program Address: 5864 Foothill Blvd, Oakland CA
Contact Phone: (510) 632-8326
Detail: I was born March 14th 1969 to Alva Ann Foreman and Ernest Leon Frohm Jr….Hence, I am the third. I was born in Kaiser Hospitol and my Doctors name was Dr. Piscatel. I remember because I always thought it was a strange name but now…not so strange. My home is Oakland but Ive lived in Richmond and Hayward also. Oakland is my place though. Yes, I graduated from Richmond High but I was a transplant from another great school…Harry Ells. I remember my years at HE the most because right across the street was where I started my Journey. I began classes in Tae Kwon Do at the YWCA. The Young Womens Christian Association….go figure. I was 8 and unhappy about the whole thing. First of all I couldnt wrap my mind around not being able to watch TV at prime cartoon watching time. Which at that age was all day during the summer. Second….there was know way on Earth a Martial Arts class at the Young WOMENS Christian Association was gonna be anything other than uncool. I mean…for real mom. She came in the house so excited and explained to me that she had signed me up for classes at the Y and said to me “doesnt that sound nice” or “isnt that nice” one of them…and I was less than happy. I can remember her face. From really happy and excited to total Momma Mode. Hmmmmm….”you’re not gonna sit in my house watching TV and do nothing”. I sulked, sucked my teeth and…..well….not sure what happened next. I do remember being upset because I new that my days of riding my bike up and down the same streets aimlessly were over. Over I say.
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