California Martial Arts >> Tustin After School Martial Arts >> Oom Yung Doe

Oom Yung Doe, Tustin CA

Program Name: Oom Yung Doe
Program Address: 368 E 1st St, Tustin CA
Contact Phone: (714) 227-8089
Detail: Millions of people have benefited through Traditional Moo Doe around the world. For over 30 years in the United States alone, Oom Yung Doe has continued to help thousands of lives by building a strong foundation based upon Moo Doe principles, therefore giving everyone the opportunity to improve themselves. At Oom Yung Doe proper movement is taught utilizing proper positions, breathing techniques, eye positions, focus and meditation. Herbal equipment and extracts that have been used for centuries by higher Moo Doe practitioners, when used in conjunction with proper movement will enable every person, regardless of age or condition, to accelerate and increase their level of internal and external strength. Like no other discipline, Traditional Moo Doe movements adjust to your age, body type, and condition. You will clearly see the benefits of Traditional Moo Doe by practicing only 4 to 5 hours a week. As you continue your practice and your condition improves, the amount of time that you need to practice will decrease and the benefits that you receive will quickly increase. Through Oom Yung Doe, you will learn the ancient principles of Moo Doe. Through your practice, you will be able to fully harmonize your body, challenge yourself and reach your ultimate level of mental, physical, and spiritual strength. Remember, life is only once, you do not have a spare life. Do not neglect yourself.
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