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Traditional Martial Arts Academy, Austin TX

Program Name: Traditional Martial Arts Academy
Program Address: 1503 Morgan Ln, Austin TX
Contact Phone: (512) 535-4404
Website: http://www.traditionalmartialartsacademy.com/
Detail: Traditional Martial Arts Academy of Austin is home to Pyon Moo Do, The Warrior Path of Transformation. We offer powerful, comprehensive martial arts instruction for children and adults. Our program builds martial artists from the ground up. You will begin with the basic foundation of strengthening, conditioning and self-defense as you learn the building block techniques of the system. Your skill set and physical abilities will improve every class. Traditional Martial Arts Academy offers instruction that may at first glance seem similar to other excellent programs in the Austin area such as Tae Kwon Do, Karate and Kickboxing. On closer examination, it is clear that the difference lies in the depth and breadth of Pyon Moo Do. We offer students the chance to do more than train martial arts – they become martial artists. Traditional Martial Arts Academy, located in Austin, TX, concentrates on students becoming not only powerful martial artists, but also powerful people. We offer a Path that will give you insight into yourself and your life. Adults and children alike become more capable of dealing with stress and conflict, as well as becoming more focused, balanced and confident, as they untangle the confusing web of life. Traditional Martial Arts Academy is Austin’s best source for innovative, life-changing martial arts training. What we offer is more than just self-defense and physical fitness - we offer an experience. Our classes are high energy, challenging, fun and set in a positive, supportive environment. Pyon Moo Do provides powerful martial arts for our students with an understanding that the experience can transform lives. This transformation is found through self-awareness and balance. At Traditional Martial Arts Academy, we offer transformation through the study of Austin’s most comprehensive martial arts experience: transformation of your Mind, Body and Spirit and ultimately -- your Life!
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