New York Martial Arts >> Oceanside After School Martial Arts >> Freestyle Martial Arts Academy Ko Xo Kickboxing

Freestyle Martial Arts Academy Ko Xo Kickboxing, Oceanside NY

Program Name: Freestyle Martial Arts Academy Ko Xo Kickboxing
Program Address: 3468 Lawson Blvd, Oceanside NY
Contact Phone: (516) 425-7061
Detail: Imagine a sport that not only gets your heart racing, your muscles working, your sweat pouring and also gives you an ecstatic feeling of accomplishment at the end of your workout session! This is what cardio fitness kickboxing at KO XO Kickboxing is like Although the true roots of kickboxing date back to Asia 2,000 years ago, modern competitive kickboxing actually started in the 1970s, when American karate experts arranged competitions that allowed full-contact kicks and punches that had been banned in karate. Because of health and safety concerns, padding and protective clothing and safety rules were introduced into the sport over the years, which led to the various forms of competitive kickboxing practiced in the United States today. Cardio fitness kickboxing is one of those great forms that stemmed from this era. Our fitness kickboxing classes at Ko xo Fitness Kickboxing usually start with 10-15 minutes of warm-ups, which may include stretching and traditional exercises such as jumping jacks and push-ups, followed by a 30-minute kickboxing session that includes movements such as knee strikes, kicks, and punches. Some of our instructors may use equipment like punching bags or jump ropes. However it's done fitness kickboxing at Ko Xo Fitness Kickboxing is a great way to get you into the best possible shape of your life.
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