New York Martial Arts >> Yonkers After School Martial Arts >> American Olympic Karate

American Olympic Karate, Yonkers NY

Program Name: American Olympic Karate
Program Address: 453 Mclean Ave, Yonkers NY
Contact Phone: (914) 476-1400
Detail: Located in Yonkers NY, American Olympic Karate teaches martial arts and offers group and private lessons at an affordable rate.The style taught is Kenpo Karate. Kenpo was brought to the United States by Edmund Parker. The lineage is as follows.Edmund Parker,Al Tracy,Ray Klinginberg,David Bradford and Trent Perri. Kenpo is a unique system of self defense that uses short explosive Karate techniques to avoid attacks and position you for quick, powerful counter strikes to an opponents vital areas. An opponents size or height are of no consequence because you are taught to attack their weaknesses instead of their strengths. Although you are taught to kick high--an excellent way to develop leg strength and flexability--most leg striking is targeted low where your legs are difficult to grab and where your kicks generate maximum power. This allows you to maintain total control of your balance and the ability to change position fluidly.
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