New York Martial Arts >> Staten Island After School Martial Arts >> Shaolin Kung Fu Temple

Shaolin Kung Fu Temple, Staten Island NY

Program Name: Shaolin Kung Fu Temple
Program Address: 925 Post Ave, Staten Island NY
Contact Phone: (718) 720-5111
Detail: The New York Shaolin Kung Fu Temple was founded by Master Paula Wong in 1994 with the intention to provide a calm zen environment to learn kung fu. The training is based on Southern Chinese martial arts with the twist of modern approach to keep the workouts stimulating and always building upon the students’ strengths and specialties. Training is based on the philosophy of honest, hard work done with compassion and intelligence. The students are taught to remember that life is beautiful, always regarding it as sacred; and that we can learn how to minimize, and even end, great suffering in the world by starting with ourselves as agents for change. Every student who wishes to learn, can, and will learn. Kung fu is about creating balance in the body by developing strength, flexibility, focus, and energy. The result of training is a feeling of opening up one’s entire system where the mind becomes more aware and alert. The body may feel sore but becomes refreshed by a release of the negative energies that lie within. The workouts wash away the things that ail us, and restores our ability to go forward with greater competence in all that we do.
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