New Jersey Martial Arts >> Bayonne After School Martial Arts >> Karatedo Shurenkan

Karatedo Shurenkan, Bayonne NJ

Program Name: Karatedo Shurenkan
Program Address: 822 Broadway, Bayonne NJ
Contact Phone: (201) 362-9813
Detail: Karate-do Shurenkan is a martial arts school, dedicated to the pursuit of budo karate. The school first opened its doors in 2004. After many years as a member of a large Japanese karate organization, the school withdrew from the organization and elected to remain independent. The mission of Karate-do Shurenkan is to spread authentic, Japanese karate and introduce students to the ideals of modern budo (martial ways). Training at Karate-do Shurenkan is designed to help you improve in every way. You will develop speed, power, and flexibility all while learning a practical and effective form of self-defense. In addition, the strategies learned at the Shurenkan dojo (training hall) will provide you with the resources needed to successfully meet the challenges encountered in life. Whether it is work, school, home, or on the street, students will benefit from the increased discipline, focus, confidence, and self-respect learned at Karate-do Shurenkan. All classes at Karate-do Shurenkan are taught by experienced, internationally certified black belt instructors with a genuine love for the art. We recognize that everyone's reasons for joining a karate class are different. Our emphasis is on doing one’s best and challenging oneself. Whatever the reason for joining, our goal is to work together to strengthen one another. This gives each student the opportunity to reach his or her potential in a friendly and supportive environment.
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