Youth Sports >> Kentucky Youth Sport Clubs >> Versailles After School Sports

Versailles After School Youth Sport Clubs

Below are after school youth sports available in Versailles.

Bluegrass Soccer Club - 126 Kuhlman BLVD/ PO Box 301, Versailles KY - 859-873-4406
Details: The mission of the Bluegrass Soccer Club is to develop great people and enhance the communities in which we operate through soccer. The vision of the Bluegrass Soccer Club is to prepare our young players how to play soccer both technically ...more

Woodford Youth Soccer Association - PO Box 126, Versailles KY - 859-873-4406
Details: Wooford YSA was started in the late 80's during the high school off-season (spring). They formed 2 "Select" teams to play games and continue training and developing their skills. Since then WYSA forms an average of 50+ Recreational and 20...more

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