Youth Sports >> Kentucky Youth Sport Clubs >> Elizabethtown After School Sports

Elizabethtown After School Youth Sport Clubs

Below are after school youth sports available in Elizabethtown.

Atletico Flames Futbol Club - PO Box 1776, Elizabethtown KY - 502-295-7640
Details: Atletico Flames Futbol Club (AFFC) was formed in 2003 as Flames Soccer Club, the competitive branch of Elizabethtown Youth Soccer Association (EYSA). The club began with mostly volunteer parent-coaches and only a few teams. Now after only 7...more

Elizabethtown Youth Soccer Association - P.O. Box 2394, Elizabethtown KY - 270-234-6748
Details: Elizabethtown Youth Soccer is a non-profit organization that is committed to providing a healthy environment in which children of all ages and abilities can have fun and learn to play soccer. EYSA fosters a love for the sport of soccer and...more

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