Louisiana Martial Arts >> Gonzales After School Martial Arts >> Prairieville Choi Kang Do

Prairieville Choi Kang DO, Gonzales LA

Program Name: Prairieville Choi Kang DO
Program Address: 38011 Highway 621, #C, Gonzales LA
Contact Phone: (225) 313-6835
Website: http://gonzalesmartialarts.com/
Detail: Kajun Martial Arts is the finest school in the area, dedicated to making your Martial Arts experience enjoyable and satisfying. Our instructors are the best. They have studied and trained for years to qualify as part of the KMA Team, and their primary goal is to assist you in being the best you can be. Our carefully structured programs go far beyond punching, blocking, and kicking. We will help you acquire effective self-defense skills and provide you with a comprehensive, personal development program. It is our goal to raise the quality of life for all our students in every way possible. Although we honor Martial Arts traditions that go back centuries, we are dynamic and are constantly seeking new and innovative ways to enthuse and excite our students. At our Academy we also host various activities and events for everyone’s convenience and enjoyment. We have parties for all major holidays, sleepovers, Day Camps on Professional Days, an annual Anniversary with Academy Awards, and many more exciting events. We also offer Birthday Parties filled with exciting Martial Arts Games and a Black Belt instructor ready to teach awesome techniques to all our birthday guests. We pledge to make each student’s journey as fun, exciting, and educating as possible. We monitor progress closely and walk with students every step of the way. We believe that being a Martial Artist is not just learning to kick and punch, it is about becoming the best that you can be in every way.
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