Georgia Martial Arts >> Roswell After School Martial Arts >> Dojo Karate Studio

Dojo Karate Studio, Roswell GA

Program Name: Dojo Karate Studio
Program Address: 645 W Crossville Rd, #136, Roswell GA
Contact Phone: (770) 649-1074
Detail: Since 1981, Dojo instructors have been teaching metro Atlantans the most exciting and practical form mixed martial arts ever developed. Our instructors and school owners have promoted more than 1,000 students to black belt level. Several of them have achieved international rankings by the National Sport Karate Association. Professional Martial Arts Magazine has ranked Dojo owners among the top five out of 20,000 martial arts studios in America. Our mixed form of martial art is cutting edge in every respect. Our unique mixture of styles and training methods include the most useful techniques from the most effective disciplines, including tae kwon do, Ju Jitsu, and Philippine martial arts, just to name a few. The martial arts as we know them probably did not evolve until systems of offensive and defensive skills were devised in or imported into China. There, these fighting skills were combined with intangible elements such as compassion, discipline and self-control. Martial arts prospered as the only means with which a person could defend himself and his family. But even as more civilized times descended upon humanity, the arts survived. The martial arts have transcended their violent origins primarily because they teach much more than fighting. True martial arts stress character development, discipline and respect. Self-defense, physical fitness and competition are some of the other benefits that modern practitioners enjoy. We can trace American karate's roots back through Japan, Okinawa, Korea, China, and even India. In fact, American karate is the “melting pot” of martial arts. Through both adaptation and innovation, American karate has developed into what has become widely accepted as the most practical style of martial arts taught in the world. However, at The Dojo, we strive to grow without forgetting our roots. You'll find a group at The Dojo that prides itself on developing and maintaining the most effective methods of building character through martial arts training. Our mission is to provide the best martial arts experience available. We respect traditional martial art methods while we take advantage of the newest techniques developed. We then take this innovative blend of the old and new and individualize for each of our students. Our aim is to maximize their physical progress and mental discipline while enhancing their appreciation for the spirit and ethos of martial arts.
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