Colorado Martial Arts >> Boulder After School Martial Arts >> West Gate Kung Fu School

West Gate Kung Fu School, Boulder CO

Program Name: West Gate Kung Fu School
Program Address: 3005 Sterling Cir, Boulder CO
Contact Phone: (303) 444-3702
Detail: West Gate Kung Fu School's mission is to create happier, healthier, and more vibrant communities through the study and practice of authentic Chinese martial arts. Our school culture is dedicated to the use of martial arts not only for fitness, self-defense and competition, but also for the betterment of the individual and the community. Students at West Gate form lasting friendships with their classmates based on the shared bond created in martial arts training. As a small school focused on developing high-quality martial artists, our teaching model is based on individual attention and real progress not just in a talented few, but in every student, all who enter. We do not rush students through ranks, and you will never be lost in the crowd. Sifu Adam Reed, the school's founder and chief instructor, teaches every class personally. West Gate is a traditional martial arts school dedicated to preserving cultural art forms. As such, all of the styles taught at West Gate have verifiable lineages based in China. A lineage is a record of recognized and authoritative practitioners for a particular style that traces back through many generations. Sifu Adam Reed is a personal student of Grandmaster Johnny Kwong Ming Lee (), and traces his lineages in Mizong Luohan (; in Cantonese: My Jhong Law Horn), Wu Style Taijiquan, and Fu Style Baguazhang directly through Grandmaster Lee. He continues to train regularly with the Grandmaster to improve his skills and help preserve the arts, and is authorized by Grandmaster Lee to teach all three styles. Please view Grandmaster Lee's lineages here, courtesy of Lee's White Leopard Kung Fu School
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