California Martial Arts >> Palmdale After School Martial Arts >> Dragon Han Martial Arts

Dragon Han Martial Arts, Palmdale CA

Program Name: Dragon Han Martial Arts
Program Address: 4621 E Avenue S, Palmdale CA
Contact Phone: (661) 533-0200
Detail: Founded by Head Master Yong Han, Dragon Han Martial Arts Center has proudly served the communities of East and West Palmdale, California since 2008. Taekwondo is a Korean Martial Art that combines self-defense with combat techniques. Taekwondo has deep roots in traditional Korean martial arts that date back hundreds of years, with a rich culture and proud traditions. Head Master Yong Han was raised in this heritage, and thus he prides himself in its traditions and techniques. He has devoted his life to its development, and constantly inspires and guides his students and instructors to abide by its traditions of discipline, respect and perserverance. At Dragon Han Martial Arts Center we strive for excellence. We train our students to maintain the highest standards, both physical and mental, for increased motivation and self-esteem. Taekwondo is an excellent after-school and extracurricular program and activity for both adults and kids to build self-confidence, discipline and character. Our trained and certified instructors emphasize safety and respect, so parents can be confident that their children are always in a safe environment during their fitness and martial arts training program.
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