Texas Martial Arts >> Sherman After School Martial Arts >> Maxwell's Tae Kwon Do

Maxwell's Tae Kwon DO, Sherman TX

Program Name: Maxwell's Tae Kwon DO
Program Address: 824 N Broughton St, Sherman TX
Contact Phone: (903) 893-0007
Website: http://www.maxwellstaekwondo.com/Home.html
Detail: Self-defense begins before any physical contact or even the threat of it occurs. It is unrealistic to believe a six year old can fend off an adult. However, that six year old can learn to be smart and aware and avoid placing themselves in situations where physical self-defense is necessary. As students become older, peer problems can become an issue. Learning to handle those situations before an escalation is the goal. While physical self-defense is a focus, it is usually unnecessary if a person is aware and confident. Self-confidence comes from realizing one’s strengths and recognizing one’s weaknesses. More is learned from a loss than a win and while winning may make us feel great, it is our losses that teach us to be great. Earning belts builds self-esteem but only within the karate school itself. It is the hard work, dedication, physical endurance, and mental fortitude which enables that self-esteem to transfer to our lives in the outside world. Through these efforts, discipline is also learned. I know that once my students graduate high school, they are typically off to college and can no longer attend my classes. If they choose to attend class at another martial arts school, I want them to feel they are strong martial artists wherever they go. Therefore, our belt system is not participation based nor time based, it is effort and work based. We have no programs that split students into different learning avenues based on the money invested in the program. The time to earn a black belt is the time to earn a black belt. It varies between individuals and belts mean nothing except to those who truly earn them. For my students, that intrinsic reward is where the meaning of the belt is found. We offer no belt programs or clubs and do not expect any contract to be signed. If our program is strong, students will stay because they find the experience valuable and not because they are committed to paying for it. Also, it ensures the students get the best possible instruction because the livelihood of Maxwell’s Tae Kwon Do depends on it. We are not a commercial school, but what we like to call “Texas Old Skool” where sweat, hard work, and the occasional tear mean life lessons that can be applied to real world situations. Also, it’s just plain fun! Come check us out and see what we’re all about! Alinda Maxwell
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