Pennsylvania Martial Arts >> Brookhaven After School Martial Arts >> Mbma Karate, Incorporated

MBMA Karate, Incorporated, Brookhaven PA

Program Name: MBMA Karate, Incorporated
Program Address: 5009 Edgmont Ave, Brookhaven PA
Contact Phone: (610) 876-4777
Detail: We offer traditional Korean style karate known as Tang Soo Do. All classes and techniques are taught in a controlled environment with trained Instructors to ensure safety and proper direction. Tang Soo Do offers an excellent opportunity to improve you or your child's physical, mental development. It also helps to instill disclipline, helps improve concentration, builds self-esteem, self-confidence and physical endurance. MBMA Karate also offers Women's Kickboxing classes. These classes offer a good cardio workout and muscle conditioning. Most importantly, these classes offer self-defense techniques that allow each individual to feel confident.
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