Oregon Martial Arts >> Corvallis After School Martial Arts >> Ata Karate For Kids

Ata Karate for Kids, Corvallis OR

Program Name: Ata Karate for Kids
Program Address: 400 Sw 4th St, #B, Corvallis OR
Contact Phone: (541) 752-3220
Website: http://corvallisata.com/
Detail: Corvallis Karate for Kids has served Corvallis and the mid-Valley as a premier martial arts training resource since 2002. From our spacious facility in Downtown Corvallis at SW 4th and Adams, Bob and Sharon Pleu and their staff provide excellent local instruction in Taekwondo and a variety of other martial arts disciplines including Krav Maga. But the benefits of Corvallis Karate for Kids' training go far beyond the knowledge of martial arts techniques. Our programs encourage personal discipline, respect for others and respect for authority, as well as self-respect. The training we provide promotes personal growth and builds self-confidence based on real achievement. This achievement is recognized through the belt awarded and worn by the student. And our training is not just for young people. Both youth and adults gain new life skills and new confidence from Corvallis Karate for Kids' nationally-certified teaching programs. We also participate and sponsor various educational and fun events, and we enthusiastically participate in the Kids'n'Power program to promote child safety. And our students speak for themselves regarding the quality and positive benefits of Corvallis Karate for Kids programs.
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