New York Martial Arts >> White Plains After School Martial Arts >> Aikido Scarsdale

Aikido Scarsdale, White Plains NY

Program Name: Aikido Scarsdale
Program Address: 77 Tarrytown Rd, Ste 1-W, White Plains NY
Contact Phone: (914) 648-0492
Detail: Aikido is a modern Japanese martial art (along with Karate & Judo) that teaches profound principles for self defense, fitness - health & personal growth. While the principles of all martial arts teach self defense, the emphasis in martial arts training is not fighting. Aikido is a way of life, not a form of violence. Aikido teaches compassion in the face of brutality and harmony in the midst of conflict resulting in tremendous power and efficacy. Aikido principles manifest in other martial arts & all aspects of one's life. Aikido is unique among martial arts for emphasizing non-harm to an attacker early in the training as well as dealing with multiple attacks.
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